“Ask, and it will be given to you…” Matthew 7:7 A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Hope

This week and the event we celebrate is a consequential one for us all.  I hope that your Christmas was wonderful and that you are enjoying your holiday season.

To close the year, I’ve decided to post a prayer rather than the usual exploration into an aspect of the Christian faith.  It seemed appropriate.

Young Man praying with Sun showing behind
ben-white-147270-unsplash Young Man Kneeling


Most gracious Heavenly Father.  Hallowed be Thy name.  We thank you for the wonderful blessings You bestowed on us in 2018.  And, while there were heart breaks and challenges, we thank You for your presence and the strength to endure that you provided to us through those difficult times.

We thank You most for our Families and our Friends, for only with them were we able to endure the hard things.  We thank you for our health and healing.  And we thank you for the moments of peace we enjoyed as You worked in our lives to calm our fears.


For 2019 we humbly ask for these things.

First, we ask that You continue to manifest in our lives so that we may become increasingly aware of Your presence and Your intent for our lives.  For we want to do Your will and to do that we must be able to discern it.

Next, we ask for renewed strength to meet the challenges that we know are to come.  We know that with You, anything is possible, but without You nothing is possible.  We face the future with confidence in knowing that You will be with us.

Father, we ask for healing of our sick and succor for those who are in need.  We pray that You will give us the guidance to recognize those who need our help and the resources to help them.

We ask Father for Hope for the hopeless, for strength for the weak, for power and ability for the powerless, and for comfort for those who are or will become bereft.

Dear God, we ask that You lead and guide our leaders and inspire in them the courage to do the hard things that will need to be done if we are to survive and thrive.

And finally, Father, we ask that Your Spirit come in power to help us to right the wrongs that need to be righted, to bring peace where there is strife, and to bring calm and comfort where there is anxiety.


In the name of your most holy Son, these things we pray.


December 28, 2018

One thought on ““Ask, and it will be given to you…” Matthew 7:7 A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Hope

  1. Lord God in heaven, thank You for all these Ways You Give to us. I ask for a deeper filling of Your Spirit in my life, a closer walk with You through prayer and bible study and a manifestation of Your Presence in my every moment. If these are fulfilled then I will be full of Your Spirit and see Your Glory in all things. Help me to lean on those who have discernment and help me use my gift of encouragement to help them. Thank You for Creating the Body of Christ with each member possessing their designation of Your Gifts of the Spirit to Build this Body in Your Name. We are truly blessed in Your Name. Thank you for our recent celebration of Jesus’ Birth and for the Salvation we received as a result of His Rising from the grave back home to heaven. Thank You for Your Mercy and Grace. In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.

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