“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…” Revelation 3:20 //Salvation

Salvation. Salvation may be the most important word used in Christian Theology. Humanity’s salvation is the reason Christ came.  And, salvation is the reason for the existence of His church in the world today. So, this week, we’re beginning an exploration into this most consequential aspect of Jesus’s and the church’s mission and ministry. Definition. … Continue reading “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…” Revelation 3:20 //Salvation

“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,…, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:11 // Salvation, Part II

Recap. Let's do a quick recap of what we learned last week. Jesu’s sacrifice on the cross was the act that sanctified each of us by cleansing us of the sins that made us incompatible with God. Because of our sanctification, we are now ‘worthy’ to have a relationship with God both today and in … Continue reading “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,…, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:11 // Salvation, Part II

“…whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 / Mortality

Narrow Focus For many Christians, most of our religious focus is on our expectation of spending eternity with God after our mortal life on earth is over.  That is understandable because the Bible tells us that this is why He sent Jesus to us. [John 3:16]  Jesus came to overcome our sinful nature and to … Continue reading “…whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 / Mortality

“…He took bread and blessed it…” Mark 14:22 // The Last Supper, Communion

The Passover Celebration What is commonly referred to as the Passover is an eight-day Jewish celebration beginning on the 15th day of the Hebrew month Nisan.  The month of Nisan roughly corresponds to March or April in the Georgian calendar.  For instance, during 2019, the festival began on Friday, the 19th of April and concluded … Continue reading “…He took bread and blessed it…” Mark 14:22 // The Last Supper, Communion

“…Do you know what I have done to you?” John 13:12 / Lessons from The Last Supper, Humility

Setting the Stage [John 13:1-15] Jesus and His apostles had gathered in the Upper Room for their Passover meal.  As they were eating, Jesus rose from the table, placed his outer garments to the side,  and put a towel around His waist.  He then filled a bowl with water and without preamble began to wash … Continue reading “…Do you know what I have done to you?” John 13:12 / Lessons from The Last Supper, Humility

“…I say to you, one of you will betray me.” John 13:21 // Lessons from the Last Supper, Judas

To me, there is no one in the Bible more pitiable than Judas Iscariot. Many readers may disagree with my description of him as “pitiable.” After all, this was the man who betrayed Christ to the Sanhedrin and set the events of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion into motion. Instead, they would say that he was … Continue reading “…I say to you, one of you will betray me.” John 13:21 // Lessons from the Last Supper, Judas

“…there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness…” 2 Timothy 4:7 // A Personal Message

One of my oldest and dearest friends passed away earlier this week.  His death has affected his and my family deeply. Because of our closeness,  I have been very involved in preparation for his funeral and in consoling the family about the loss.  I apologize to you, my readers, but I am confident that you … Continue reading “…there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness…” 2 Timothy 4:7 // A Personal Message

“I shall not leave you…I will come to you.” John 14:18 / A Story of Two Women, Part I

This is a story about my Mom and her friend, Vi.  Both ladies have gone to their reward, but I believe their story has profound meaning for us so I’ve decided to share it with you. The story is somewhat long,  so I’ve broken it into two posts.  This week’s installment is Part I.  We’ll … Continue reading “I shall not leave you…I will come to you.” John 14:18 / A Story of Two Women, Part I

“…Thou shalt love one another as thyself.” Matthew 22:40 // The Story of Two Women, Conclusion

Last week I began the story of my Mom and her friend Vi.  This week we conclude their story and explore lessons we can take away from it.  In case you missed it, I suggest you go back and review Post 68 from October 4, 2019, before you read this one.  They are two pieces … Continue reading “…Thou shalt love one another as thyself.” Matthew 22:40 // The Story of Two Women, Conclusion