“… make a defense … with gentleness and respect …” 1 Peter 3:15 Losing Faith

A matter of Faith. In the last few posts, we’ve been exploring issues of faith.  We’ve talked about what it is, how we can recognize it, what it does for us, and its importance to us as we each attempt to grow our own relationship with God. But another aspect of faith is that it … Continue reading “… make a defense … with gentleness and respect …” 1 Peter 3:15 Losing Faith

“Woe to you … you Hypocrites!” Matthew 23:27 Losing Faith II

Opening Thoughts. In this week’s post we continue our exploration of issues of Faith.  Last week we began to look at reasons that someone’s faith can be lost.  This week we’ll continue that examination. To begin, we should recognize that someone’s faith cannot actually be “lost.”  Because having a faith and the nature of that … Continue reading “Woe to you … you Hypocrites!” Matthew 23:27 Losing Faith II

“I know what plans I have … for you … Yahweh declares …” Jeremiah 29:11 Losing Faith III

Introduction. The last two posts have catalogued reasons why former believers have either lost their faith in God (and religion) or have come to seriously question His existence or their faith.  In this post we will begin to answer some of these objections to faith. Reasons for a former believer’s loss of his/her faith are … Continue reading “I know what plans I have … for you … Yahweh declares …” Jeremiah 29:11 Losing Faith III

“Do not fear, because I am with you …” Isaiah 41:10 // Losing Faith IV

Where we left off. This is the fourth installment of our discussion about losing faith.  Previously (posts 23 & 24), we’ve identified some of the main reasons that a former believer could lose their faith.  Last week (post 25) we began to answer some of the complaints that former believers express against God.  This week’s … Continue reading “Do not fear, because I am with you …” Isaiah 41:10 // Losing Faith IV

“So, I exhort the elders among you … shepherd the flock of God that is among you …” 1 Peter 5:1. Losing Faith V

Continuing where we left off ... This week we continue our series on Losing Faith by considering the Second Objection to God and Christianity, “The believer becoming mad at or disappointed by the Church.” As I’ve discussed objections to Christianity with former believers over the years, I’ve heard the following complaints about the Christian Church: … Continue reading “So, I exhort the elders among you … shepherd the flock of God that is among you …” 1 Peter 5:1. Losing Faith V

“For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 / Need

Prologue. Last week our Exploring Christianity post dealt with the story of the Good Samaritan and its meaning for our lives today. The point of the post was to highlight the hypocrisy rampant in the religious practices and attitudes of Jesus’ day, where supposedly “religious” people could ignore the plight of those truly in need … Continue reading “For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 / Need

“However, they did not all heed the good news…” Romans 10:16 / Confronting an Unbeliever

The Problem of Atheism. Atheism has been on my mind recently.  Any Christian is bound to encounter people who do not share their faith.  Christianity is the most widely-observed religion in the world, but the majority of the population either is not Christian or expresses disbelief in religion altogether. Atheism is a topic that offers … Continue reading “However, they did not all heed the good news…” Romans 10:16 / Confronting an Unbeliever

“…without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 / Sanctification

Sanctification. Sanctification is one of the most frequently used words in the Christian lexicon.  It is often used interchangeably with other words that are incorrectly thought to have similar meanings (i.e., Salvation). But Sanctification has importance and meaning that is unique, and an understanding of this word is necessary for a Christian’s knowledge of their … Continue reading “…without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 / Sanctification

“…no one comes to the Father, but by me…” John14:6 / Afterlife of the Soul, Part I

A Weighty Question What happens to our souls after our death is a question that’s recently been raised by one of our readers.  It’s a question that’s haunted Christianity since the day after Jesus’ resurrection, and it’s still very much with us today. With this week’s post, we’ll begin to explore this question and some … Continue reading “…no one comes to the Father, but by me…” John14:6 / Afterlife of the Soul, Part I