“… suddenly some wise men came …” Matthew 2:1 The Magi

The Magi.  [Matthew 2:1-12] It is appropriate that we consider the Magi who came “… from the East …” [Matthew 2:2] to worship the baby Jesus after the close of Christmas.  That is because, current traditions of presenting the Nativity notwithstanding, they were not present on the night of Jesus’ birth.  Rather, they came “… … Continue reading “… suddenly some wise men came …” Matthew 2:1 The Magi

“Give us Barabbas!” Luke 23:19 // Lessons from Barabbas

As we move through the Lenten Season (see last week’s post), it has been suggested that we consider some of the more distinctive characters that surrounded Jesus as He approached his crucifixion. This week’s subject will be Barabbas, and what we might learn from what we know of his story. Barabbas appears in Matthew, Mark, … Continue reading “Give us Barabbas!” Luke 23:19 // Lessons from Barabbas

“There was one of the Pharisees called Nicodemus…” John 3:1 // Nicodemus

Continuing our exploration of personages important to Lent, this week we’ll consider Nicodemus. We first learn of Nicodemus in John 3:1-36.  This is the famous section of scripture that deals with the necessity of persons to be “born again” in order to achieve Salvation.  But that is not our focus today. Today, we want to … Continue reading “There was one of the Pharisees called Nicodemus…” John 3:1 // Nicodemus

“Caiaphas…said…’one man should die…rather than…the nation perish.’” John 11:50 / Caiaphas

As we continue our Lenten exploration of individuals important to Jesus’ Passion, this week’s post examines Caiaphas. Among the individuals who participated in Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and death most Christians view Caiaphas with special distaste.  His actions are frequently accounted as having been equally as odious as those of Judas and Pilate.  He is seen … Continue reading “Caiaphas…said…’one man should die…rather than…the nation perish.’” John 11:50 / Caiaphas

“…Mary surnamed the Magdalene…” [Luke 8:2] // Mary Magdalene

This week we consider one of the most important early disciples of Jesus, Mary Magdalene.  Here we’ll explore what we know about Mary, some of the myths that have been perpetrated about her over the centuries, and her importance to modern Christians. What we know. Mary first appears in the narrative about Jesus in Luke … Continue reading “…Mary surnamed the Magdalene…” [Luke 8:2] // Mary Magdalene

“They chose Stephen, a man of faith and the Holy Spirit…” Acts 6:5 // Stephen the Chosen

Introduction. Events of this week have again drawn into stark realization that being a Christian remains a dangerous prospect, even in the 21st Century.  The massacre of nearly 300 Christian men, women and children in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka appears to have been in reprisal for the killing of dozens of Muslim worshipers … Continue reading “They chose Stephen, a man of faith and the Holy Spirit…” Acts 6:5 // Stephen the Chosen

“…I say to you, one of you will betray me.” John 13:21 // Lessons from the Last Supper, Judas

To me, there is no one in the Bible more pitiable than Judas Iscariot. Many readers may disagree with my description of him as “pitiable.” After all, this was the man who betrayed Christ to the Sanhedrin and set the events of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion into motion. Instead, they would say that he was … Continue reading “…I say to you, one of you will betray me.” John 13:21 // Lessons from the Last Supper, Judas

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you…” Luke 1:35 / The Advent Season

As we approach Christmas this year, I think it appropriate that we explore the season of Advent, that four-week section of the Christian calendar that precedes the birth of Jesus. Advent is a time of preparation and expectation.  Fall is gone, and Winter is just beginning.  The days are becoming shorter, and night seems to … Continue reading “The Holy Spirit will come upon you…” Luke 1:35 / The Advent Season

“Your…brothers are…asking for you.” Mark 3:32 / Jesus’ Brothers and Sisters

  Brothers and Sisters Most of us who have siblings are acquainted with their frustrating behavior of thinking or acting as though they are better than we in some way.  They tell us that they are smarter, that they can run faster, or that our parents love them more than they do us.  Whether our … Continue reading “Your…brothers are…asking for you.” Mark 3:32 / Jesus’ Brothers and Sisters

“and Joseph…went up…to Bethlehem…to be enrolled…”Luke 2:4 / Joseph the Husband of Mary

Joseph, the Husband of Mary The previous Exploring Christianity Post (# 81, January 20, 2020) was about the brothers and sisters of Jesus, persons of importance to Christianity, but who are largely unknown to many followers of the Faith.  This week, we turn our attention to another important, but frequently overlooked person, Joseph, Mary’s husband, … Continue reading “and Joseph…went up…to Bethlehem…to be enrolled…”Luke 2:4 / Joseph the Husband of Mary