“…whoever…believes him who sent me has eternal life and…has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24 / The Afterlife IV

Universalists For the past few weeks, we’ve been exploring the question, “What happens to our souls after death?”  In posts 75, 77, and 78, we identified the three “schools of thought” regarding this topic and discussed the first two, the Obivlionist and the Scripturalist schools.  This week we’ll explore the Universalist school and how it … Continue reading “…whoever…believes him who sent me has eternal life and…has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24 / The Afterlife IV

“Your…brothers are…asking for you.” Mark 3:32 / Jesus’ Brothers and Sisters

  Brothers and Sisters Most of us who have siblings are acquainted with their frustrating behavior of thinking or acting as though they are better than we in some way.  They tell us that they are smarter, that they can run faster, or that our parents love them more than they do us.  Whether our … Continue reading “Your…brothers are…asking for you.” Mark 3:32 / Jesus’ Brothers and Sisters

“and Joseph…went up…to Bethlehem…to be enrolled…”Luke 2:4 / Joseph the Husband of Mary

Joseph, the Husband of Mary The previous Exploring Christianity Post (# 81, January 20, 2020) was about the brothers and sisters of Jesus, persons of importance to Christianity, but who are largely unknown to many followers of the Faith.  This week, we turn our attention to another important, but frequently overlooked person, Joseph, Mary’s husband, … Continue reading “and Joseph…went up…to Bethlehem…to be enrolled…”Luke 2:4 / Joseph the Husband of Mary

“Be not afraid.” Matthew 14:27 // Comfort

The phrase “Fear not,” and its equivalent “Be not afraid,” occur more than any other in the Bible, three-hundred and sixty-five (365) times, in fact.  As I sit here contemplating the latest news concerning the Covid-19 virus contagion, that assurance seems starkly at odds with the constant admonitions from our newsfeeds and political leaders that … Continue reading “Be not afraid.” Matthew 14:27 // Comfort

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep;” Psalm 4:8 // Peace

One of my habits is that I pray each night before I go to sleep.  I pray in the mornings too, but there’s something about praying in the dark at the end of the day that is somehow more calming, more intimate than praying in the bright sunlight of morning.  I seem better able to … Continue reading “In peace I will both lie down and sleep;” Psalm 4:8 // Peace

“…I will make you fishers of men…” Matthew 4:19 // The Ordinariness of God’s Chosen

An Epiphany. There is a currently popular TV series that presents a fictionalized but emotionally accurate story of Jesus’ life.  What makes it so interesting is that the series focuses primarily on the people who surround (or are affected by) Jesus rather on Him or His message.  Through the series, the viewer is brought to … Continue reading “…I will make you fishers of men…” Matthew 4:19 // The Ordinariness of God’s Chosen

“… in Christ … old things are passed away … all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 / Transcendence

A Thought. I’m not sure that we think about our new life in Christ in sufficiently dramatic terms.  I know that I haven’t. This idea came to me as I was reading a book a while ago.  In the book, one of the characters was asked what she expected to be the outcome of a … Continue reading “… in Christ … old things are passed away … all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 / Transcendence

“…I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health…” 3 John 2 / The Answer

The Situation. Much has been written during the current CV-19 pandemic about the increased need for prayer in this anxious time.  People are encouraged to “turn to the Lord” for help and spiritual sustenance while the disease continues to rage across the world.  The pandemic has brought the dangers inherent in our world to the … Continue reading “…I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health…” 3 John 2 / The Answer